For FREE... I'll teach you the ultimate principles to find peace, direction, and meaning in your life.
(No matter how lost, depressed, or nihilistic you might be)
Nowadays I'm a pretty happy individual. Delusionally happy even.

As if I was microdosing on psychedelics.

But it wasn’t always like this.

Throughout my life I’ve had the lowest lows and the highest highs you could image.

From absolute nihilism, depression, and hopelessness…

To pure joy, optimism, and happiness.
It was going through those extremes repeatedly, back and forth, that I was able to learn how they function. The patterns.

And through years of trial and error I was finally able to stabilize and align my soul.

I found inner peace, meaning, and direction in my life.

And I’ve helped countless people during the last few years do the same.

Helping others find themselves genuinely fills me with joy.

It’s probably the thing I enjoy doing the most in life.
And if you take the principles that you'll learn on this page to heart, you'll get there too:

-Even if you're at the absolute bottom

-If you feel lost and don't know where to go

-If you're fearful about your inner demons

-Fearful of change

-Overwhelmed by daily life

-Even if you lack time or energy

-Even if you feel incapable with no possible way out

-And it's perfect for those of you who are uncertain about where to start
I've put many hours of work into this page.

And I want to give it to you for free.
But why?

Because I’m doing an experiment. I want to see what happens if I open up completely and give an insane amount of value for free.

I'll shut down this page if I don’t like the results.
So read this while it’s still up.
The only downside is because it’s free… 90% of you who land on this website won’t take it seriously and skip it.

In fact I’m certain 90% of visitors have already left and you’re among the 10% who are still reading.

So do yourself a favor and just imagine that you paid $1297 for this “Ultimate Happiness & Meaning Course” on my website so you can take this seriously.

Because paying is what gets you to pay attention.

And it ain’t that long to read through.

There are 3 pillars to find inner peace, meaning, and direction in your life:

1: Earthly Anchors

2: Navigating the Self

3: Cosmic Quest
Let's begin.
1: Earthly Anchors
Renouncing things is not an easy path to happiness.

In fact it’s a myth.

Many believe that abstinence is the ultimate path to everlasting happiness and bliss. Like some monks do.

But in the book “The Teaching of Buddha” by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai it explains how Buddha found “The middle way” to be the best path towards Enlightment.
The Middle Way boils down to avoiding extremes.

So it's not about indulging in sensual pleasures 24/7 nor about extreme austerity or self-denial on oneself.
For example:

-It’s not about compulsively obsessing about money, cars, and clothes. Yet it’s also not about renouncing all your material possessions, turning your back on society, and going meditate on top of a mountain.

-It’s not about just having sex all day with as many people as possible. Yet it’s also not about lifelong celibacy.
-And it’s not about maximizing your body aesthetics and living for the gym. Yet it's also not about rejecting your health because “you’re gonna die someday anyways."
You get the point.

You’ve got to find the middle way in the 3 main areas in life.
And I call those the 3 Earthly Anchors:

Health: A healthy man has a hundred wishes, but a sick man only one. Your body is a temple. Health (specially gut health) heavily influences happiness and how you experience this life.

Financial freedom: You need freedom of choice. Of what you want to do, when, where, and with who. Otherwise you’ll be a miserable modern slave zombie.

Love & Relationships: The spark of life. We’re social creatures. Family and friends are what makes this whole thing worth it, fun, and memorable. Gives meaning too.

You’ve got to focus on these 3 until you get to minimum viable level.

Don’t waste much time philosophizing until you get there. It's a dangerous trap you probably already find yourself in.
90% people who feel lost, confused, and think life has no meaning are just humans who live shitty lives.

If we fix these 3 Earthly Anchors they would be quite okay.
And those are fixed by ACTION. Not by reflection.

The absolute worst thing you can do when you are depressed, anxious, or feel under pressure is to lay in bed or just sit around and contemplate your life.

Please don’t do this. Get active. Very active.

I don’t care whether it’s the gym or going to a loud café with your laptop…

It’s good to take time to be reflective, but it’s more likely that isolation will destroy you then help you.

Be around others. Be doing things.
In the other sections of my website I’ve already covered how to master health, wealth, and relationships.

Later you can go back to the homepage and read them.

But now we need to go from the outside world into your inner world.
2: Navigating the Self
How your mind and brain operate have a massive impact on how you experience life and the outcomes of it.

Most people make catastrophic mistakes on this daily. Digging them further into the abyss.

We're gonna break it down into 3 areas:

2.1 - Intuition & Curiosity
2.2 - Brain Harmony
2.3 - Wordcasting

2.1 - Intuition & Curiosity

You must get in tune with your intuition and your curiosity.

Following your intuition will guide you towards better life decisions that you won’t regret.

Following your curiosity will guide you towards what you genuinely enjoy in life and find fulfillment.
Developing both and learning how to listen to them is a skill that requires practice.

Your intuition is all the collective knowledge, experience, and wisdom you've accumulated throughout the years. But it's hidden at a subconscious level.

The most important ingredient in developing your intuition is being honest with yourself.

You have to view things (yourself and the world) not for what you wish them to be, but for what they actually are.

So your subconscious can actually learn proper cause and effect.
To start practicing you must put your gut feeling at the top of your decision making hierarchy.

What most do wrong is:
- Gut feeling says A.
- Brain logic says B
= They go with B.

You’ve got to flip that.

Yes, sometimes you’ll fuck up.

But your intuition will get better overtime the more you use it.

Imagine how well developed your gut feeling and instinct would be if you had been doing this from an early age.

Your subconscious is way smarter than you.

A well developed intuition is more powerful than a well developed logic.
For example this is what men need to learn and overcome when they want to approach women.

Their feelings urge him to go talk to her.

But their rational and logical mind comes in and gives 1000 reasons why they shouldn’t.

So they don’t act on it.

You’ve got to flip that.
Developing curiosity works in a similar fashion.

It starts by not judging your true feelings and acting immediately on things your curious about.

Often you might be interested on some “silly/crazy” thing.

Maybe a fantasy book. But your logical brain comes in and tells you “You shouldn’t be reading that, it’s a waste of time. Go read Charlie Munger instead.”


Go read that fantasy book.

Go research that weird topic on Wikipedia you were thinking about before.

Go send an email to that person you’d like to talk with.
Doing these things always leads to more and better.

Once you start reading that fantasy book you might realize you love reading.
(Which you never realized because all your life you've been reading what OTHER PEOPLE told you to read.)

Then you might pick up another book.
Get a new idea out of it.
Talk about the idea with an acquaintance.
And start a new project together.

Next thing you know you’re working on a business you’re passionate about, your life makes sense again, and you’re happy.
You’ve got to ride the momentum wave.

Flip the script.

Intuition first. Logic second.

But here’s the big problem: If your mind is cluttered it will be impossible to get in tune with your intuition and your curiosity.
Which leads us to:

2.2 Brain Harmony

Multitasking + Overstimulation + Distractions = Rotted brain

Modern age is filled with mines that can destroy your attention.

Your attention is your most valuable asset.

You must guard it like momma tiger guards her baby.
In the same way you're mindful of what you put in your stomach, you have to be mindful about what you put in your head.

And you've got to be extreme with it.

I was on an airplane a few weeks ago and a passenger a couple rows ahead was playing a game on his phone.

I glanced at it for 10 seconds and I vividly felt how that was absorbing my attention and energy.

I was going zombie from just looking at it. As soon as I realized what was happening I forced myself to look away and go back to my book.

That’s how ruthless you gotta be with it. You can’t even look at these things.
A few years ago I was talking with a guy who practiced total celibacy. Not even masturbation.

And he practiced a similar approach.

When he’s at a hotel pool and there's hot girls running around... he purposefully avoids looking at them.

It seemed extreme to me at that time.

But I get it now.

All these things are a slippery slope.

-First you’re on an airplane looking at some guy play on his phone for 15 minutes.
-Afterwards you can't focus on your book.
-So you pullout your phone.
-You re-install Instagram.
-You dumbscroll for 2 hours.
-Tomorrow the app is still there and you do it again.
-Hooked. Next thing you know you’ve lost you’re reading habit and you’re now addicted to Instagram.

You’ve got to be ruthless.
Overconsumption of short-form content is psychological lobotomy.

You must cut it out.

On my phone I have no Instagram, no Twitter, no Tiktok, and no Snapchat. I have an alternative Youtube app that doesn’t have shorts.

Obviously no phone games.

I don't have notifications on.

I don't even have a wallpaper.

This is what my home screen on my iPhone looks like:
And this is my Android phone:
On my computer I have no videogames.

I have a browser extension that disables Youtube’s homescreen and hides the suggested videos columns.

On Twitter I don’t have a “For You” page.

I don’t use Reddit.

And obviously no porn.
Unless it’s recommended by someone I highly respect, I don’t watch TV Shows. Only movies.

TV Shows can be addictive. Movies you watch them on a single sitting and you’re done.

And they promote long-term attention span.

The reason your mind feels at peace after a good movie is because you've been focused and fully engaged on one single thing for 2 straight hours.
Training your attention span is probably the best thing you can do both for your mental health and your personal development.

Reading really helps. Find books that you’re genuinely interested in and read them.

Don’t read what you’re supposed to read or what others say you should read. Only read what you’re genuinely curious about.

It’s like movies. If you watch a movie that you’re not interested in, it’s a dreadful experience.

If you watch a movie you’re interested in, time flies by and you’ll remember everything. You won’t be able to stop thinking about it. Same with books.
Nowadays I generally avoid listening to music.

For 2 reasons:

First reason is dopamine: Music is a necessity to most people. They can’t sit in silence.

Hence they are never truly thinking.

Having productive inner monologues is crucial to self development.

There’s a funny clip of Donald Trump and Sacha Baron where Ali G asks Donald what’s the most popular thing in the world.

Trump masterfully replies:


He’s spot on.
The second reason I'm careful with music is the hypnosis effect lyrics have on you.

For example rap is violent and sexual.

If you believe that isn’t molding your worldview you understand absolutely nothing about the human mind.
What words you use, both when speaking and thinking are crucial. Same with the words you're exposed to.

They transform your experience of reality.

Mastering words is so important that the last part of my "Navigating the Self" pillar is all about words.
2.3 Wordcasting

I was completely unaware for most of my life of the COLOSSAL importance of words.

Most negative experiences and emotions stem from bad narratives in your head and subtle comments in conversation.
Years ago I was at Luke Belmar’s house and I said to him:“Hey maybe this is a stupid question but…”

He cut me off immediately and said:

“Don’t speak like that. Don’t say ‘it’s a stupid question.’ Don’t put that label. Just ask the question.”

That really stuck with me. From there I started to research it, and I've taken this whole concept further.
For example on my article on health I explain you can’t say to yourself things such as “I’m tired” or “I’m not feeling strong today.

Because those words are actually making you tired and not strong.

If somebody I'm working out with makes those comments I correct them immediately.

And it’s the same thing in other areas of your life. In every single thing you do.

Do not narrate to yourself negative stories, perspectives, or perceptions. It kills your soul.
Placebo isn’t something that just works with pills.

You can use placebo and nocebo with your mind too.

Words dictate how you experience this life.

And if you use the right words you can mold the experience to whatever you desire.

That’s why I call it “wordcasting” as if you were a spellcaster. But instead of magic spells you have magic words.
It took me many years to learn success in big part is all about mindset, beliefs, and identity.

It's not about the small details and the "how-to."

I remember reading books about the importance of mindset when I was young. But I never understood its importance.

I just wanted to know how to start my business.

Now I know that with the right mindset, beliefs, and identity, everything falls into place eventually.

You just gotta learn how to cast the right words.
You’ve got to brainwash yourself into greatness.


It takes time to master this if you’re at a low point in life but the effects are quickly noticeable.
Let's move onto the last pillar.
3: Cosmic Quest
Although it can be dangerous, I’ve found profound meaning and peace in contemplating and exploring the big questions of life.

God. The universe. Consciousness.
I was raised in an agnostic/Buddhist household. And for my first 20-something years felt agnostic.

But psychedelic experiences broadened my horizons and allowed me to perceive and experience things I never thought imaginable.
The biggest one was a better understandings of what God is and isn’t.

I genuinely believe most atheists are so because of how they’ve been exposed to the idea of God.

They have a very cartoonish perception of it.

And I don’t blame them because that’s 90% of the mainstream content/perception.
People want to know if I believe in God but they have no regard for what God means.

I don't know what they think God is.

Hence it makes me uncomfortable to answer that question. Because whether I say Yes or No, they’ll just assume what that entails.

The real answer is “I believe in my perception and idea of God.”
But what that is I cannot tell you.

I’ll admit it’s very tempting. But no words can make it justice. It's something you have to find by yourself.

To find it you have to let go of any and all perceptions and descriptions you have of that word.

Then break the foundational beliefs in which your reality is held.
The problem is that you can't see what a foundational belief is until it breaks. And how can you break it if you can't see it?

Psychedelics help. But they are not for everybody.

I used to think everyone should try psychedelics. Until one time I had one psychedelic journey that eclipsed all my previous experiences.

It was the most eye-opening event of my life.

The best and the worst occurrence I’ve ever had.

I experienced it all.

And it’s something that I still think about every single day.

Multiple times a day.
I actually walked a very fine line that I won’t publicly discuss here.

And I believe other people in my situation could have ended up hurt or dead.

So as infinitely valuable as psychedelics are... I don’t believe everybody should do them anymore.
Besides, I strongly agree with what Terence McKenna used to say:

Psychedelics don’t work on stupid people.

I’ve met people who’ve done dozens of ayahuasca rituals, shrooms, and more… but they are some of the stupidest, most egotistical people I've ever met.

At the same time I believe if you die without trying psychedelics you haven’t lived at all.

I know it’s a contradictory message.

But you’ll have to figure this one out by yourself.
The biggest obstacle to finding answers is conviction.

Nietzsche said: “Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.”

So do not be so sure about your ideas. No matter how real they might seem to you.
Here’s a quick reflection: If your ideas are so correct why isn’t your life turning out the way you want it?

Because you probably have the wrong ideas, perceptions, and opinions.

Which cripple your attitude and how you approach life.

Letting go of those are the hardest thing you’ll ever do. 95% of people will die without accomplishing it.

And I completely empathize.

It’s really hard to let go of a belief in which your entire reality has been constructed on. And if you’ve never done that how could you do it now?

You don’t know what it feels like to realize that something you believed for years with 100% of your heart and mind was wrong.
There are other important topics about finding meaning, peace, and direction in your life you'll have to learn such as:

-Dealing with past traumas
-Personal circumstances and variables
-Getting rid of bad habits/addictions
-Aligning with your true nature
-Crafting a winner's mindset
-Living with intentionality
-Optimizing your environment
-Playing with non-true but useful ideas
-How to transform peace to happiness
-Balancing optimism with pessimism
-Building a daily life you enjoy
-Cultivating a strong spirit
-Practical philosophy
-And so much more...
Finding the answer to many of these can take years.

It's tiresome by trail and error.

Not to mention that mistakes can drag you down even deeper.

I can't cover it all here or this page would turn into a whole book.
But I can help you 1-on-1
I can help you make sense of this whole thing

-Get you out of an ever-lasting rut

-Figure out what direction to move on

-Help you take steps towards action and results

-Find meaning regardless of your current situation

-And much more

We can solve any problem.

Optimize every area of your life.

If necessary I'll even connect you with people from my private network who can help you.

And we'll get you light-years ahead of where you're at now.
Let's not waste any more time and get into action.

I don't want you to remain stuck where you're at now.
60-Minute Call Consultation
✅ Honest answers & Solutions to any Question or Problem you might have

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Email follow up after the call with bulletpoints and resources
(if applicable)

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Online 1-on-1 Mentorship
✅ Honest answers & Solutions to any Question or Problem you might have

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Includes 60-Minute introductory call

✅ 24/7 direct phone access for consultations

✅ Tailored routines, systems based on your needs

✅ Better results due to daily follow-ups

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (Health, Wealth, and Relationships)
Click To Get Mentorship Now
Fly me to your location
✅ Honest answers & Solutions to any Question or Problem you might have

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ I'll fly to any location

✅ Access face-to-face with me for at least 4 hours per day

✅ We set goals and a plan for the month that aligns with who YOU want to become

✅ I'll walk you through every step and do everything in my power to make that a reality

✅ Tailored systems and schedules based on your needs and availability

✅ Follow-up 60-Minute call after one month

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (Health, Wealth, and Relationships)

❕ This plan requires booking a 60-Minute Call first to see if we're a good fit.

If we're a good fit and decide to work together, I'll discount the $188 from the $19,970. So the call is for free.

For payment only bank transfers or crypto. No debit/credit cards.
Click To Book Call Now
60-Minute Call Consultation
✅ Honest answers & Solutions to any Question or Problem you might have

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Email follow up after the call with bulletpoints and resources
(if applicable)

Click To Book Call Now
Online 1-on-1 Mentorship
✅ Honest answers & Solutions to any Question or Problem you might have

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Includes 60-Minute introductory call

✅ 24/7 direct phone access for consultations

✅ Tailored routines, systems based on your needs

✅ Better results due to daily follow-ups

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (Health, Wealth, and Relationships)
Click To Get Mentorship Call Now
Fly me to your location
✅ Honest answers & Solutions to any Question or Problem you might have

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ I'll fly to any location

✅ Access face-to-face with me for at least 4 hours per day

✅ We set goals and a plan for the month that aligns with who YOU want to become

✅ I'll walk you through every step and do everything in my power to make that a reality

✅ Tailored systems and schedules based on your needs and availability

✅ Follow-up 60-Minute call after one month

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (Health, Wealth, and Relationships)

❕ This plan requires booking a 60-Minute Call first to see if we're a good fit.

If we're a good fit and decide to work together, I'll discount the $188 from the $19,970. So the call is for free.

For payment only bank transfers or crypto. No debit/credit cards.
Click To Book Call Now
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to prepare something for the call?
Pre-submit your questions during booking so we can make the most out of our time and fire right away.
How will we be communicating during the online mentorship?
First, we'll do an introductory call to set the stage, goals, and a plan. Then, day-to-day through voice messages and/or texting. We can do calls here and there if required.
How long does it take you to reply?
I reply fast. That's why you're paying me. Just be mindful of time-zone differences. I gotta sleep too and attend to personal matters from time to time.
Is the mentorship a 3-month minimum?
No. We can do one month or as many as you want. The longest time I mentored someone was 22 months. Cancel anytime.
Are the living expenses included in the $19,970/month Option?
Not if you're living in a major city with high rent prices like San Francisco or New York. Because I'd just piss away the 20k. If you live in an average city/town, Southeast Asia, or similar, it's included. Message me or book a call and we'll discuss it.
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