For FREE… I’ll teach you everything I’ve done to get ripped and stay healthy with minimal effort.
And I’ll confidently claim that if you follow my core principles you'll get in the best shape of your life:

- In less than 1 year.

- Without torturing yourself.

- Without complicated routines

- Without prior experience

- Without spending a fortune

- Even if you have little time

- Even if you're in pretty bad shape

- And even if you lack motivation
Maybe it sounds hard to believe. But it's really simple.

Online gurus want to sell you their courses. So they make health seem complex on purpose.

But it ain't.
I don’t need to convince you of the benefits. You’re already aware of them:

- Health
-Social status boost
-Mental clarity

I don’t need to convince you of the benefits. You’re already aware of them:

- Health
-Social status boost
-Mental clarity
And right now I’m giving you the “secrets” for free.
But why?

Because I’m doing an experiment. I want to see what happens if I open up completely and give an insane amount of value for free.

I'll shut down this page if I don’t like the results.
So read this while it’s still up.

The only downside is because it’s free… 90% of you who land on this website won’t take it seriously and skip it.

In fact I’m certain 90% of visitors have already left and you’re among the 10% who are still reading.

So do yourself a favor and just imagine that you paid $997 for this "Ultimate health course" on my website.

Because paying is what gets you to pay attention.

And this is better than 99% of courses out there.
So now pay attention:
Imagine that you do and follow what I’m about to reveal and you get ripped with a perfect 6-pack.

Answer me this:
For how long do you wanna keep it?

A month?
A summer?
A year?


Stop reading and think about it.
If the answer in your head isn’t “forever” or “for the rest of my life” you can exit this page now.

The first thing you need to understand about health is your body isn’t a bank account.

In business you can make $100 billion and (theoretically, if governments weren’t such a fuck-up) forget about money for the rest of your life.
With your body you can’t build so much muscle or get so healthy that you can forget about it all and stay in shape for the rest of your life.

But what you CAN do is follow a system SO simple that it’s virtually impossible to skip and fail.
Most health programs are complicated on purpose. It has to seem complex to be sold.

Otherwise you wouldn’t spend $997.
That’s why they don’t work. They are too complex, hyped, and unsustainable. People can't keep up.

My free system is designed to last forever and without suffering. A permanent, stable, and simple approach to health and exercise.

This ain’t some hellish 30-day diet or workout routine.
There are only 3 pillars you need to focus on:

1: Diet

2: Exercise

3: Routine
1: Diet
Let’s look at what I usually eat on a normal day.

Then we’ll break down the details and variables:
5-7 Eggs
1 Orange
Honey & Dark Chocolate (100%)

White rice (with olives and EV olive oil)
Beef (250g)

Steamed potatoes or sweet potatoes (with EV olive oil)
One onion
Chicken (250-350g)
The reason why it’s so simple is because I have things to do. I don’t want to waste time cooking/eating/cleaning.

I don’t even want to waste time and energy thinking about what I’ll eat today.

That’s why I almost always eat the same.
There are times when I’ve wanted to bulk up that I would add extra meals. But I’m not a fan of that anymore because having a full stomach all day disrupts my gut.

Giving your gut time to rest and relax is important. Remember: this ain’t just about aesthetics, but internal health too.

If I’m feeling uncontrollably hungry I’ll have fruit, dark chocolate, or throw a couple eggs on a pan.
To make your food tastier learn to play with NON-PROCESSED NATURAL spices/ingredients.

Oregano, rosemary, pepper…
I personally don’t care about the dullness. So I rarely add anything to my food besides some Himalayan/Celtic salt. (We’ll talk more about this later)


I only started taking supplements a couple years ago. All my life I’ve gone without supplements and been healthy with good aesthetics.

It’s not imperative that you go full Bryan Johnson and spend a fortune taking 100 pills a day.

We want to keep this simple, remember? Not be overwhelmed.

I want to reiterate that being healthy, fit, and aesthetic is EASY.

People quit and don’t do it because they are sold into complicated stuff and perfectionism.

That being said, there are a few supplements that are very cheap and I’d recommend literally to everyone.

8/10 times minor colds and a flu are the only health problems you’ll have throughout the year.

I’ll mark three cheap supplements with a * on my supplement stack below that will prevent most of them:
*Vitamin D: 10,000 IUs
*Vitamin MK-7 K2: 100mcg
*Vitamin C: 1000mg
Zinc: 15mg
Magn. Malate: 425mg
Tongkat Ali: 1200mg
Boron: 3mg
Creatine: 3.5g

Magn. Glycinate: 200mg
Ashwagandha: 450mg
Boron: 3mg
This is what I’m currently taking. At other times in my life I’ve taken other things. I’m always experimenting.

I take all these in the middle of a meal. No after, not before. In the middle.

Brands do matter. But people over-exaggerate their importance and get too paranoid.
People often ask me for supplements that will help them be in a better mood, more focused, and motivated.

Although there are supplements that can help, they won’t help you get to your baseline. You need to work on your spirit for that.

No supplement will take you from borderline depression to hyper-efficient ruthless David Goggins.

That’s all in the spirit.
Once you have baseline spirit you can take it to the next level with supplements. You can start with my stack above.

What a lotta people seek with supplements or even things like TRT is to feel good. And they think that by feeling good everything else is gonna fall into place.

And that is a lie. It works the other way around.

You get your life in order and THEN you feel good.
When you decide to start taking supplements you must understand what each one does. Do not take supplements blindly.
If you wanna go full on Eddie Morra like in the Limitless movie try this in the morning:

Psilocybin: 100-500mg
Caffeine: 100-200mg
Haritaki: (Dosage depends on type and source, it can go from 100mg a day, to 10g. DYOR)
Cheat days:

I don’t believe in cheat days. But I do believe in “cheat snacks”.

If I have lunch with my family and my uncle decides to bring an “unhealthy” snack for us I might have a little.

IF AND ONLY IF I haven’t had any “unhealthy” food for a week or two.

And if it isn’t incredibly unhealthy.

I’ll accept a chocolate truffle with some industrial sugar and minor additives in it. Or some chocolate crêpes that my father likes to cook a few times a year.
But I won’t eat some sprinkled Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut filled with cream and caramel. That’s too much. There are lines I won’t cross.

People always ask me how do I know what’s healthy and what isn’t...

I always found that to be a bullshit question.

But when it comes from Americans I do believe and understand their ignorance.
Here’s a simple framework that will put this questions to rest:

Do you know the origin in nature of the food you’re about to eat?

Go back to my daily food list. You’ll see that you know EXACTLY where everything comes from in nature.

In fact when you buy these at the grocery store they don’t even come with an ingredients label.

Because it has no ingredients. The food itself just is.

A potato is a potato.
An egg is an egg.
An orange is an orange.
It’s a good starting place.

From now on ask yourself that when you’re about to eat something.

For example, look at this doughnut:
Where does all that stuff come from? What even is it? What are those sprinkles? What’s that pink cream?

Think about other things people eat.

Like Froot Loops. Honestly, what the fuck are Froot Loops? What are you even eating?
An onion is an onion.
Forted flakes? I don’t know what the hell that is.

Same with sauces people use to make their foods tastier. They are filled with crap.

And I’ll DIE on this hill.

I once posted this on Reddit and people aggressively jumped on me to disagree. Arguing that salads can make you fat.
I won’t even waste my time there.

That was the last day I commented on Reddit.

There are levels to this. Once you get more advanced you can start looking into the quality of the onions you’re eating.

Where do they come from? How did they grow them? What’s the best way to cook them?

But that level of refinement will come naturally as you go along this journey. So don’t focus on that right now.

Remember: being healthy and getting in shape is EASY AND SIMPLE.

Don’t over-complicate it for now.
"What about keto and the evil carbs? You eat too many potatoes and rice."

Again, the problem here comes from US culture.

Yes, if all your life you’ve been on a cocoa puffs cereal diet, Pepsi, popcorn, and McDonalds… doing keto for a while will help.

But things aren’t so black and white. Not all carbs are evil.

If you believe carbs from a steamed potatoes are the same as carbs from a Frappuccino from Starbucks, I’m not surprised you are a fatty.

No single macronutrient is evil.

Consuming all of them is the path to true health and longevity.

Eat fat, eat proteins, eat carbs.

I’ll also die on this hill.
"What about calories?"

I don’t count calories. I just go by feeling.

You can start with my daily meal plan, and eat more or less based on your needs.

Wanna bulk up? Eat more.

Wanna get lean? Eat less.

It’s very simple folks.

Tip: Protein and fat are more satiating than carbs.
"What about vegetables?"
I might have them sometimes for dinner. But I have mixed feelings about them. I won’t go into detail. DYOR.

"What about fasting?"
I’ll talk about this later in the “Routines” section.

"What about individual nutritional differences people have?"
I’ll talk about this later.

And obviously: No seed oils. No tap water.
For now, diet TLDR:

-Eat food you know where it comes from in nature. Ideally food with no ingredients label. Whole foods.

-Vary intake based on bulk/lean needs.

-If you want to start supplementing at first only do VitD, K2, and VitC.
Simple as.
2: Exercise
This is very simple.

What kind of exercise you need depends on what your goal is.

We can boil it down to 2 options to choose from:

Goal #1: "I just want to be fairly healthy"
Goal #2: "I want a muscular, good looking body"

Let's cover both.

Goal #1: So you just want to be fairly healthy. You don’t care that much about maximizing aesthetics and “beauty.” You just wanna do something to look decent and take care of yourself and your health. Maybe lose some weight.

Solution: First walk 15,000 steps/day.

Second find one or multiple physical activities that you enjoy... and do those.

That's it.

Yes, I know. Mind blowing!
Sorry if you were expecting some esoteric fitness secret.

Simple goals have simple solutions.

But here’s the thing: More than 50% of people who “just want to be healthy” do physical activities they hate.

Did you know there’s more to exercise than running marathons or go jogging for a couple hours at 5am?

Why do you wanna suffer like Goggins when you could just… play basketball for a few hours (if that’s what you like) and get in shape while you’re having a blast.

Last time I checked basketball players look pretty good. (Even those who don’t hit the gym)
There are endless physical activities. And you can find at least ONE that you enjoy.

Go to ChatGPT and tell it what’s sports you DON’T like and what physical activities you DO like. Then ask for suggestions and ideas.

For example: I HATE cycling. With all my heart. So it’s likely I wouldn’t enjoy marathon running either. But I do love weight lifting and hiking.
It’s funny that ChatGPT’s first suggestion is rock climbing. I started a couple years ago and I like it.

And rowing has been the main sport in my family for decades.

So ChatGPT is spot on. Go and do the same yourself. Get creative.
Try new sports/physical activities and be RUTHLESS with the ones you don’t like. Ditch them quick.
The sports/activities that will give you the best physique proportions are: Sprinting, surfing, and gymnastics.
Goal #2: You want to take your physique to the next level. You want to have a balance between aesthetics and functionality: Strength, Speed, & Stamina


For strength: Weight lifting. 3-5 times a week.

If you’re hardcore you can do everyday honestly.

Intensity? Doesn’t matter.

The BIG secret no one dares to talk about is that intensity will naturally come to you if you always go to the gym.

What you need to be good at is showing up at the gym. Not the workout itself.
That being said, here’s my gym routine:

Monday: Leg day
Squats, lunges, calf raises, hamstring curls...

Tuesday: Back, biceps
Pull ups, rows at diff angles, curls...

Wednesday: Chest, triceps
Dumbbell press, incline, skull crushers...

Thursday: Random workout or rest or hiking
Yes, just random stuff

Friday: Full body or just leg day

Saturday: Rest or hiking

Sunday: Rest or hiking.
Many “pros” would laugh at this routine.

But it freaking works.

I’ll tell why you later.

(I’m not a fan of push/pull workout structures. If you like them, do them.)
For speed: Do sprints 2-3 times a week.

Sprinting is natural and in tune with our biology. Marathons not at all.

I think long distance running can have some benefits but only when done very infrequently.

Look into HIIT training. HIIT is simple and effective. If you find yourself looking into this for a week and over analyzing and looking at studies, you’re doing it wrong.

For stamina: Hiking

That’s way more natural and healthier than running marathons. Just go hike for a couple hours.

And you can hike as slow as you want.

The way you need to go about exercise is to start so easy that you can’t say no.

Your fitness goals shouldn’t be outcome based. A goal shouldn’t be to gain X weight. Goal shouldn’t be to have an X inch bicep.

Your goals must be input based. Like eat X food amount. Do X reps. Practice X exercise.

And honestly, my only fitness goal nowadays boil down to:

Show up.
That’s it.

I do not care about how good or bad my workout is.

Not a single ounce.

I just go to the gym. Whatever happens, happens.

If I go and I barely do anything, that’s okay.

If I go and I have the workout of my life, that’s okay.

I’ve been working out for 10 years and I’ll keep working out for the rest of my life.

So micro-fluctuations of performance are irrelevant.
Having a stellar workout one day but then not training for a month will yield zero results.

But doing an ordinary workout every single day for a month will give you tangible progress.

Consistent average performance > Inconsistent elite performance

That’s my secret.

The intensity of my workouts is fairly average.

My consistency is top 1% elite.
As the years go by your standards will build up. And you might often find yourself in consistent elite performance. But that ain’t the goal right now.

If you wanna bulk up quick and build a beast of a body look into the PHAT routine by Layne Norton.

But make sure you eat A LOT.

Way more than what I showed you before on my daily eating regimen.
I’m always experimenting and trying out new things. At different times in my life I’ve done different workout routines.

What I have here on my website is what I’m currently doing.
Good aesthetics as a man boil down to:

· Shoulder-to-waist ratio of 1.618
· Above average muscle mass without losing mobility
· Low enough body fat to have visible abs
And you don't have to torture yourself to achieve that.

Day by day. Be patient.

Stick to the basics.
3: Routines
Sleep: I go to bed around 9:30pm and wake up around 5:30am.

I don’t like naps. For some people it works. Try it out and see for yourself.

Before I go to bed I do 15-20 minutes of stretching.

To gain flexibility you need to stretch each muscle AT LEAST 5 minutes a week. Do holds (reps) of 30 seconds.
When to work out: I love to work out before lunch. Body is fully awake and right after I finish I can have a big lunch to replenish myself.

If you’re short on time do it whenever you can squeeze it in.

If you have to decide between right when you wake up or right before you go to bed, do it right after you wake up.

Easier to not skip. And it won’t affect your sleep as much.

But try both and see for yourself.
Fasting: Do it if you have body fat and wanna get it down.

People who have had the best results with fasting do one 24-hour fast a week, and a 3-day fast a month.

I don’t usually do long fasts because I’m already lean. But I do them for gut health.

Good for getting rid of parasites and overall body healing and reset.

The Egyptians did a 3 day fast a month following the full moon.

There are benefits to doing fasts during the full moon.
Supposedly, 24h DRY fast = 72h WET fast.

I say supposedly because sources I highly respect say so. But I personally don’t believe it.

A dry fast is a fast in which you do not even drink water. You do absolutely nothing. (No shower either because you could absorb water through your skin.)

Beware of dry fasts. Research them carefully and thoroughly. With the right knowledge they can be the best healing process you’ll experience.

With the wrong knowledge your worst nightmare.
Sauna: Do a 20 minute sauna session after every workout if possible.

It’s good for many different reasons. Information about the benefits of saunas is easy to find online and mainstream.

Cold plunges: Not after workouts. And overall I have mixed feelings about regularly doing cold plunges.
Placebo/Nocebo: The mind has unfathomable power. 99% of people don’t know that. And even those who do, don’t use it because they lack true understanding.

If you believe that you’re low energy, you’ll be low energy.

If you believe that you won’t get strong, you won’t get strong.

If you believe you can’t perform without supplements, you won’t be able to perform without supplements.

If you believe you can lift more weight today, you’ll lift more weight today.

If you believe you’re getting faster, you’ll get faster.

If you believe your testosterone is increasing, your testosterone will increase.

Getting in tune with your body: What most people miss is getting in tune with their own body.

You must learn to read your body’s signals and messages.

Your body is constantly signaling to you what it needs, what works, and what doesn’t.

But most people have ignored it for so long and are so out of tune that can’t perceive these signs.

Mindful sports/physical activities help you get in tune with your body. Weight lifting is good for that.
Start using your senses.

“Listening to your body” means to pay attention to how you feel when you do stuff.

When you eat something, how does it feel?

A few minutes after you finish eating a meal, how do you feel?

When you’re lifting that weight, how do you feel?

Does something hurt?

What? Where? How? When?

Learn to read the signs.

Cause and effect.
Simple math.
Get in sync with yourself.
Difficulties: Suffering comes from setting time-frames.

The reason why so many people struggle to get in shape is because they have a time-based goal.

Stop thinking you have to “get in shape before summer” or “get a 6-pack this year.”

Adopt and become a person who would already have those things, and eventually you’ll be that person.

If you incorporate all the things we talked about here for a long enough time-frame you’ll get the results. There’s no rush.
There are other important topics about health you'll have to learn along the way such as:

-Your own food incompatibilities
-Custom workouts/exercises
-Body types
-Pre-existing conditions
-Age variations
-Cycling diets
-Blood testing
-Advanced supplementation
-Water quality
-Sleep environment
-Workspace optimization
-How mindset, beliefs, and identity affects health
-And some weird new-age esoteric health stuff

Finding the answer to many of these can take years.

And it's tiresome by trial and error.

I can't cover it all here or this page would be 10 times longer.
But I can help you 1-on-1
I can help you achieve your fitness & health goals.

Solve any problem.

Optimize every element.

And we'll get you light-years ahead of where you're at now.
Imagine all this:

- Health
-Social status boost
-Mental clarity
Imagine all this:

- Health
-Social status boost
-Mental clarity
And as I said at the beginning:

- Without torturing yourself.

- Without complicated routines

- Without prior experience

- Without spending a fortune

- Even if you have little time

- Even if you're in pretty bad shape

- And even if you lack motivation
I'll see where you're at now.
Where you want to go.
And make a simple yet effective plan to get there.

Solving any health and fitness challenge you have along the way.

All of it tailored and customized to your needs.

You won't be confused.
You'll have certainty that you're doing it the right way.
You know it will work.
You'll have my support.
Health is the most important investment you'll ever make.

Health is when nothing in your body or mind holds you back from your desires.

Let's not waste any more time and get into action.

I don't want you to get stuck where you're at now.
60-Minute Call Consultation
✅ Solutions to any fitness/health situation you're going through

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Email follow up after the call with bulletpoints and resources
(if applicable)

Click To Book Call Now
Online 1-on-1 Mentorship
✅ Solutions to any fitness/health situation you're going through

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Includes 60-Minute introductory call

✅ 24/7 direct phone access for consultations

✅ Tailored routines, diets, and systems based on your needs

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (wealth, relationships, and happiness)
Click To Get Mentorship Now
Fly me to your location
✅ Solutions to any fitness/health situation you're going through

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ I'll fly to any location

✅ Access face-to-face with me for at least 4 hours per day

✅ We set goals and a plan for the month

✅ We create our own custom workout/fitness routines and train together the entire month (adjusted to your goals)

✅ Custom meal plans

✅ Tailored systems and schedules based on your needs and availability

✅ Follow-up 60-Minute call after one month

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (wealth, relationships, and happiness)

❕ This plan requires booking a 60-Minute Call first to see if we're a good fit.

If we're a good fit and decide to work together, I'll discount the $188 from the $19,970. So the call is for free.

For payment only bank transfers or crypto. No debit/credit cards.
Click To Book Call Now
60-Minute Call Consultation
✅ Solutions to any fitness/health situation you're going through

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Email follow up after the call with bulletpoints and resources
(if applicable)

Click To Book Call Now
Online 1-on-1 Mentorship
✅ Solutions to any fitness/health situation you're going through

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Includes 60-Minute introductory call

✅ 24/7 direct phone access for consultations

✅ Tailored routines, diets, and systems based on your needs

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (wealth, relationships, and happiness)
Click To Get Mentorship Call Now
Fly me to your location
✅ Solutions to any fitness/health situation you're going through

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ I'll fly to any location

✅ Access face-to-face with me for at least 4 hours per day

✅ We set goals and a plan for the month

✅ We create our own custom workout/fitness routines and train together the entire month (adjusted to your goals)

✅ Custom meal plans

✅ Tailored systems and schedules based on your needs and availability

✅ Follow-up 60-Minute call after one month

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (wealth, relationships, and happiness)

❕ This plan requires booking a 60-Minute Call first to see if we're a good fit.

If we're a good fit and decide to work together, I'll discount the $188 from the $19,970. So the call is for free.

For payment only bank transfers or crypto. No debit/credit cards.
Click To Book Call Now
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to prepare something for the call?
Pre-submit your questions during booking so we can make the most out of our time and fire right away.
How will we be communicating during the online mentorship?
First, we'll do an introductory call to set the stage, goals, and a plan. Then, day-to-day through voice messages and/or texting. We can do calls here and there if required.
How long does it take you to reply?
I reply fast. That's why you're paying me. Just be mindful of time-zone differences. I gotta sleep too and attend to personal matters from time to time.
Is the mentorship a 3-month minimum?
No. We can do one month or as many as you want. The longest time I mentored someone was 22 months. Cancel anytime.
Are the living expenses included in the $19,970/month Option?
Not if you're living in a major city with high rent prices like San Francisco or New York. Because I'd just piss away the 20k. If you live in an average city/town, Southeast Asia, or similar, it's included. Message me or book a call and we'll discuss it.
If you found this information valuable follow me on:
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