For FREE… I’ll tell you how I befriended people worth 9 figures, celebrities, and dated the hottest women in any country I’ve been in.
I won't be showing photos/videos of me with chicks.
I'm not doxxing nobody.
And I’ll confidently claim that if you follow my core principles you’ll learn on this page you'll be able to build a similar social circle:

-Without any pre-existing connections

-Without networking experience

-Without dating experience

-Even if you're introverted and not outgoing

-Even if you have fear of rejection or lack confidence

-Or if you find yourself in a new town/city/country
Maybe it sounds hard to believe. But the principles are simple.

Online gurus want to sell you their courses. So they make dating/networking seem overly-complex on purpose.

Also most of the stuff they teach is outdated and basic.
I don’t need to sell you on the benefits of having a high-level network:

-Access to all sorts of endless opportunities
-24/7/365 mastermind
-Genuine mentors, teachers, and friends
-Dating the person of your dreams and everything that it entails
-Mental health
-And much more
And right now I’m giving you the “secrets” for free.
But why?

Because I’m doing an experiment. I want to see what happens if I open up completely and give an insane amount of value for free.

I'll shut down this page if I don’t like the results.
So read this while it’s still up.
The only downside is because it’s free… 90% of you who land on this website won’t take it seriously and skip it.

In fact I’m certain 90% of visitors have already left and you’re among the 10% who are still reading.

So do yourself a favor and just imagine that you paid $1497 for this “Ultimate Networking and Dating Course” on my website so you take it seriously.

Because paying is what gets you to pay attention.

And this is better than 99% of courses out there.

There are 3 pillars to master social dynamics:

1: Reading People

2: Dating

3: Networking
1: Reading People
The biggest mistake 99% people do with dating and networking is going after the wrong individuals.

And yes, you’re within that 99%.

Who you decide to associate with depends on your goals and how you like to live life.

So only you can truly know who you need to go after.
But there are 9 universal personality traits you need to factor into every interaction and relationship.

And you must learn how to read these on people within seconds. (I’ll teach you how)
These 9 personality traits define people who cheat, lie, steal, spread bad rumors, manipulate, aren’t honest, not fair, unnecessarily violent or aggressive, impulsive…

Extreme, isn’t it?

You might think it’s not currently a problem in your life.

But when I introduce this system to people I’m mentoring they quickly start to spot many of these traits in their social circles.

Every. Single. Time.
This leaves them very confused.

Because the first comment they always make is “But I really get along with them.”

And that’s a key thing to understand. You can get along with people who have all these bad traits.

In fact you can have the best time of your life!

BUT. The second things go south and the dynamic switches from cooperation to confrontation…

You’re screwed.
Years can go by before a situation like that arises with the people in your social circle.

But just know the potential for problems is always there.

The worst thing that can happen to you is to marry a beautiful woman/man or start a 5-year business with someone just to later find out they were the wrong people to associate with.
That’s why we’re learning this BEFORE learning about dating and networking.

You MUST learn how to read people like a book. Like if you had an X-ray machine of the mind.

This is by far one of the most important skills you’ll learn in your entire life.

The beauty of what you’re about to learn is you’ll be able to identify these traits and step back before any of it actually happens.

You’ll learn the patterns of behavior that consistently manifest on everyday life and normal conversations.
Important: These 9 traits are on a scale.

It’s not black/white.

Meaning it’s not either you have them or you don’t. We all have them.

The problem is when someone has TOO MUCH of it.

200 empirical studies back up this whole thing.

People like Kibeom Lee, Michael C. Ashton, Delroy L. Paulhus, Kevin M. Williams and many more.

This ain’t bro-science/psychology.
So get ready because this is gonna get technical and advanced.

I’m not expecting many of you to make it through honestly.

Later I’ll give you access to a website with a personality quiz that measures these 9 traits.

You can use to send out to people to measure them when you’re a beginner and can’t do it by yourself.
But first let’s understand the 9 traits.

We're using two personality models. The Dark Tetrad and the HEXACO.
Dark Tetrad:

1. Narcissism
2. Machiavellianism
3. Psychopathy
4. Sadism

5. Sincerity
6. Fairness
7. Modesty
8. Greed-Avoidance
9. Anxiety
The Dark Tetrad and HEXACO are two separate personality models.

The HEXACO model is composed of a total of
25 parameters of personality. But for this we only need 5.

As we go along, try to associate each trait with someone you personally know.

This will help you draw real-world parallels to understand them better and put it into practice.

Let's begin.

1. Narcissism

There’s 2 big misconceptions about narcissism.

The first is that people think narcissism is confidence. But it ain’t.

Narcissism is insecure confidence.

Narcissistic people, down to their core, have low self-esteem.

That’s why they need to go out there and show the world how great they are. Because they don’t believe it themselves.
The second misconception is people think of narcissism as vanity. Like people who are obsessed with beauty.

But vanity is only 1 of the 7 sub-facets that narcissism has.

The NPI (Narcissistic Personality Inventory) model breaks down the 7 sub-facets of narcissism.

Just by understanding these you’ll already have a solid grip on spotting narcissists:

1. Authority → They act like the authority. Top of the hierarchy. Want to have the final say. Authoritarians believe others need to follow what they think and their commands.

2. Superiority → Smart asses. They think they know it all. They always have to be right. They think they are exceptional. Arrogant.

3. Self-sufficiency → Not being able to take help from others. One reason is because they can think no one is as good as them as doing X. So they might as well do it themselves.

4. Exhibitionism → Desire to draw attention to oneself. Showcase their body. Classic Greek Mythology narcissism.

5. Exploitativeness → Manipulates others to prove how great they are. Ego related manipulation.

6. Vanity → People who take 3 hours to get ready. Focused on self appearance, status, or accomplishments.

7. Entitlement → Entitled. “I deserve this” attitude.
A general rule of thumb to spot narcissists is to look for people who are easily offended.

Because they gain their self-esteem by the image people perceive of them. And they don’t want that damaged at all.

They have that “Do you know who I am?” attitude.

Always trying to show off.

The worldview of a Narcissist is: “I’m always right.
Narcissism has a big genetic factor. Narcissistic parents tend to have narcissistic kids.

Learning to read narcissism is one of the easiest to get started with. Unless you yourself are very high on narcissism.

On a personality test scale from 1 to 10, narcissism starts to get annoying above 6. That’s what I generally avoid.
2. Machiavellianism

This one is very dangerous and more common that you realize.

Machiavellian people in your social circle will cause you bad life.

Machiavellians are overly secretive, manipulative, they play with information…

They smile to your face but speak ill of you behind your back..

They’re sneaky, cynical, and skeptical.

Always planning something, playing the information game… Backstabbers.
They don’t tell you things to your face. If they have a problem with you they won’t tell you directly.

They’re always waiting for the right moment to get you.

They lie a lot. For big things and small things. It doesn’t really matter. Always twisting narratives, details, and stories.

Their worldview: “There is no right or wrong. The end justifies the means.”
An interesting way to spot it is people who have big inconsistencies in their stories. They’re always changing up the details and order of events.

Most people who leave mean comments on social media are either high on Machiavellianism or psychopathy.

It’s easy to get fooled into thinking they are nice. Specially at the beginning when you just met them.
People who were bullied tend to be high on Machiavellianism. Because they were in a position where they couldn’t fight back.

They had to develop all these Machiavellian tools. Lotta science on this.

But don’t just exclude someone quickly because they were bullied.. It’s not a blank statement.

Be EXTREMELY careful of Machiavellian people with high IQs.

Trust gut and intuition.
If you get the feeling there’s something off about someone: Trust your gut. Cut them off.

On test from 1 to 10: Over 5 starts to get weird. 6 or more that’s what scientists call a high-mach. Should be avoided.
3. Psychopathy

It's the inability to feel feelings. Having a low emotional state. Often can be high impulsive and unpredictable. Can easily get aggressive.

Psychopaths are almost always men. Women are not psychopaths.

Most guys get it wrong. That crazy girl you were dating was not a psychopath. Probably she either was Machiavellian, narcissistic, or high anxiety.

You just have to look at history. 99% of serial killers are men.
But psychopathy has a positive place in society.

NAVY seals, police officers, firefighters…

They all have above average levels of psychopathy.

Like every other trait within the Dark Tetrad, with the right amount, in the right place, and in the right direction, it can be a good thing.

All these traits serve a purpose. There’s a reason why these exist.

You want NAVY seals with high psychopathy that won’t double guess whether they want to shoot down a terrorist or not.
Psychopathy can be the ability to kill a stranger.

Testosterone is linked with psychopathy.

Their worldview: "I don't care if I'm right or wrong."

Who are not likely to be psychopaths?
Artists, nurses, teachers, care takers…

You can use people’s professions to tell where they might fall within the spectrum.

When you want to move a psychopath out of your life do it slowly. Be careful. They can be very aggressive and unpredictable.

So beware of you confront them.
4. Sadism

Within the context of the Dark Tetrad, sadism has nothing to do with sex or criminality.

It’s about the subclinical manifestation—everyday sadism.

Injuring others verbally, physically, and/or psychologically. Being cruel.

There is an on-going debate on whether sadism should be included as part of the model or not. The "Dark Tetrad" is a new concept.

The original is the Dark Triad which didn't include sadism.

I’m mentioning it here so at least you’re aware of its existence.
Now let’s get on with 5 traits from the HEXACO model.

These are brief and very self explanatory by their own name:
5. Sincerity

The tendency to be genuine in interpersonal relations.

Low scorers in sincerity will flatter others or pretend to like them to obtain favors. Whereas high scorers are unwilling to manipulate others.

There’s a cultural factor here. Some cultures are less sincere than others.

You can encourage this and lead by example. It’s trainable. Unlike the Dark Tetrad traits.

But do it right from the beginning of the relationship to start with the right foundation.
6. Fairness

The tendency to avoid fraud and corruption.

Low scorers are willing to gain by cheating or stealing. Whereas high scorers are unwilling to take advantage of other individuals or of society at large.

How important do you think this trait is when choosing a business partner?
7. Modesty

The tendency to be modest and unassuming.

Low scorers consider themselves as superior and as entitled to privileges that others do not have. Whereas high scorers view themselves as ordinary people without any claim to special treatment.

This is a double-check on narcissism.
8. Greed-Avoidance

The tendency to be uninterested in possessing lavish wealth, luxury goods, and signs of high social status.

Low scorers want to enjoy and to display wealth and privilege. Whereas high scorers are not especially motivated by monetary or social-status considerations.

Imagine divorcing from a greedy Machiavellian. Can you see how relevant this is in today’s age?
9. Anxiety

The tendency to worry in a variety of contexts.

Low scorers feel little stress in response to difficulties. High scorers tend to become preoccupied even by relatively minor problems.

This anxiety we’re talking about here is as a personality trait. Not a single momentary feeling caused by a high-stress external factor.

This one is fairly easy to spot:
They stress about everything.
They are jumpy.
Drama people.
They loop thoughts.

Common things they say:
”I’m always worried…”
“I’m afraid…”
“I’m confused…”

High anxiety is more prevalent in women.

If you’re with someone and you feel more anxious than usual it’s a clear tell they might be high anxiety.

Elevated anxiety is highly correlated with depression by 60%.

Studies show high amount of tattoos or body modifications are highly correlated with depression and anxiety.

As some of the other traits, anxiety has a genetic factor.

It’s possible to have too low of anxiety.
Remember that these traits serve a purpose.
Now let’s go over a few quick general guidelines on how to incorporate and navigate life with psychometric reading skills:

Start by being aware these exist. Don’t be overwhelmed.

I know there’s a lot to unpack and you don’t remember it all right now. Just by you knowing these traits exist it can already be useful.

To keep it simple start by focusing only on Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, and Anxiety.

You don’t need to become an expert overnight. Take it one step at a time.
This is useful to learn even if you’re not socializing much at this stage in your life.

I personally learned about this during my early solitary business grind years.

It ended up becoming my biggest skill and opened many doors years later when I started networking. Fortune favors the prepared.

The website you can use to measure these 9 traits is

Start by sending it people you already know and analyze their results and how that matches with how they are.

Send the test in a casual way. Don’t explain to them what the test is.

Just say “I found this personality quiz, I’m curious what you’ll get.

Most people will assume it’s something like Myers-Briggs.
(Which I’m personally not a fan of. Outdated model.)
CRUCIAL piece of advice: As you meet broken people, don’t help them.

I know it sounds harsh, but you ain’t no therapist or psychologist.

If a friend came to you with an X-ray of their broken arm you wouldn’t perform their surgery. You’d just take them to the ER. You ain’t no doctor. (Probably)

Same with

With it you have an X-Ray machine of the mind.
But that does not mean you can do the therapy.
The reason you’re learning this is to better manage social dynamics in YOUR life. Like learning math because you want to build YOUR business.

This is whole thing is about YOU.

If and when you see someone’s horrendous results, do not tell them they are horrendous. Play it cool and play it casually.

If they want to understand what it is tell them they have the definitions of each trait on the website.

If you tell them yourself and you’re harsh about it they might get defensive. They’ll want to shoot the messenger.

You can imagine that people don’t like being called toxic.
If someone in your family has horrible results don’t cut them off entirely. Give them a few extra chances.

Family deserves it.

But if it’s too extreme just spend less time with them.

Blood is thicker than water but it ain’t thicker than common sense.

And it’s not common sense to have someone in your life who drags you down.
When you cut people off do it slowly. Don’t be abrupt.

If you’re meeting someone weekly, change it to every other week. Then once a month. Then every few months. Etc…

But act immediately when you meet someone new with these traits.

The mistake we all do when learning about this is thinking some of these behaviors might be a one-time-thing.

But let me ask you something: Has it ever happened to you that you met someone, you spotted a red flag on that individual, you ignored the red flag, and it didn’t ever come up again in the future?


Always, always, always it comes back to bite you in the back.

So when you meet someone new and something is off, cut it right then and there. Do not take it any further.

And if you’re a man be careful with beautiful women who score high on the Dark Tetrad. That’s a dangerous combination many men fall victim to.

I’ll talk about it later on the dating module.
But remember no one is perfect. Do not cut people off for every little thing.

Don’t be looking for a perfect scorer because you won’t find it.

I’m not. You’re not. No one is.

There are more important and less important red flags. When it comes to these 9, be serious about them.

With other stuff give some leeway or you’ll end up alone.

For dating and close friends you should aim to be with people of similar or better scores than you. Never worse.

We’re social creates and our circles have a huge influence on us. If you hang out with X you’ll end up like X.
And lastly for the bright ones who are thinking: “But how do I improve myself?

The answer by the scientists and researches who developed these models is:

Act as the ideal person would.

Basically what the Bible says if you think about it.

I strongly encourage you to do further research on this by yourself.

This might be the most important skill you’ll learn in your entire life.

At the end of this page you’ll have my contact.

You can send me your results. Or the results of your boyfriend/girlfriend. Or spouse. Or business partner. Friends. Family…

And we can analyze it in-depth. And make some decisions.
But now let’s get on to dating.
2: Dating
To find a worthy mate, you have to be worthy of a worthy mate.

I have never met anybody who truly deserved something and didn’t get it. In any area of life.

Like the Buddhists said: “When the student is ready the master will appear.

It applies to finding your ideal partner as well.

Work on yourself until you don’t desperately need anybody and you’re happy and at peace with yourself.

Then that special someone will appear.
And what is it you should work on?

Depends whether you’re male or female.

For men it’s:
· Health
· Finances
· Intellect
· Social connections/Status
· Spiritual/Artistic side

In the other sections on my website I already cover how to attain all of these facets. So we don’t need to go in depth explaining them here. Later you can go back to the homepage and read about them.

For women it’s:
· Health/Beauty
· Intellect
· Sociability
· Maternalism
· Femininity
Femininity for women and spirituality/art for men are similar at it’s core. But just manifest in different ways.

Same with “Social connections” for men and “Sociability” for women.

There are only subtle nuances there. But they aren’t worth covering in here.

At its core it's a value-exchange. The more you have to offer, the easier it will be to attract.

But it’s important that you can offer all the 5. That’s when you attract high level people. And that's where most people fail. Especially men.
For example:

If you're man with 5 million dollars and a 6-pack...

· But you're illiterate.
· You've got no friends and no connections.
· And you're not emotionally and spiritually in-touch with yourself, others, and the universe around you.

You won’t get the true high-quality.

And vice versa.

If you have friends, spirituality, and intellect... but you're broke and fat. Same issue.

I notice men nowadays can only lean into one of these 2 directions.

The big "secret" is to have both.
I genuinely believe you should only date people you could see yourself having a long term relationship with.

But I only got to that level of understanding through doing a lot of short-term dating in my early years.

It’s like getting rich. You have to get the fancy car to realize it won't fulfill you.

Same with hookups. You have to go through many of them to realize the true value of long-term commitment and family.

Many will disagree, but the ultimate purpose of relationships is to have kids and build a family.

That’s at the top of the hierarchy.

There are many other valuable things that come with them. Such as companionship, emotional connection, mental growth…

But family is at the top.

It’s the core and essence of every single organism on Earth. And that includes YOU.

To reject that is to go against nature, God, the universe, biology... call it whatever you want.
I find it hilarious people who are 100% sure they never want to have kids.

Look around you. Every single thing, every single organism and cell and everything on this planet is pointing at reproduction.

I don’t know for certain what happens after we die or before we were born.

But right here and right now, if there is one sure thing is that your main goal and objective is to reproduce.

That is embedded in every single cell in your body. And every other body and organism on Earth.

If you believe you’re so smart that in your 20-30-40-50 years of age you’ve figured out the meaning of the universe and nature, and through your sheer intellect you concluded that having kids ain’t it…

Good luck to you. How blind.
For me it’s an obvious red flag and lack of proper analytical and emotional skills. A sign of being out of touch with reality and your true nature.

I don’t want to build friendships or romantic relationships with people who are anti-human.

Choose carefully who you have kids with.

Most personality traits, mental illness, and things such as IQ have a HUGE inheritability factor.

So I’d recommend you to not even date people you don’t see yourself building a family with.
Now the modern dilemma: Dating apps or cold approach?

Cold approach is always better.

But I don’t believe dating apps are as bad as many make them out to be. Yet you need to know how to use them.

It’s very important that you know what you’re looking for and to not get lost in a sea of matches and time-wasting.

If you’re already cold approaching consistently you can try dating apps.

Otherwise don’t do it because you might become a slave to the apps.
There’s no secret to cold approaching. You just have to do it. Like when Alexander the Great cut the Gordian Knot.

Don’t try to untangle the puzzle of cold approach and make a complicated formula out of it. Dissolve the problem through boldness and direct action.

I recommend you to watch a Youtube channel called “Social animal.” You’ll understand exactly what I mean.
3: Network
Business networking should happen as a by-product of wanting to hang out, have fun and meet like minded people. Normal socializing.

Not because you're looking for business opportunities.

Not because "you're supposed to bro, your network is your networth."

If you're new into the business world don’t actively network.

It's a waste of time.

When I had nothing I did network with millionaires.

And guess what I got out of it: Nothing.

I didn’t know how to leverage those connections because I had no skills, no business, and no experience.
This doesn’t mean you should AVOID networking.

If you get invited to dinners or some random event and you’re going there to socialize and have fun, 100% go do it.

But do not sacrifice work-hours for it. It’s not a priority in early stages.

For now just aim to have a good time with good people.

There’s no rush to network and build connections.

Once you’ve accomplished something worthwhile it only takes one single event/mastermind/meetup to develop connections that can last a lifetime.

It ain’t that complicated.

Like dating, networking is a value game.
When you “network” relax about it. Don’t be a bullshitter.

Most young entrepreneurs I meet nowadays are absolute clowns and buffoons.

Don’t be one of those “bros.”

High level people recognize who’s real and who’s not in a split second.

Older successful people recognize honesty, authenticity, and genuine humbleness. And they might throw you a bone. But don’t be desperate or needy either.

Be honest and upfront about who you are and where you’re at. Be authentic.

Sometimes I’ve gone to events where I knew nobody and I ended up being the center of attention with groups of people inviting me for dinner because of this.
There’s a lot you can learn from Giacomo Casanova about networking.

On his memoir he explains how he used observation, adaptability, and knowledge about human nature to master social interactions.

He was an expert at reading social cues and modifying his behavior to suit the context.

This allowed Casanova to navigate any social circle, from the elite, to the plebs.

Empathy and the ability to see things from another’s perspective are key.

This is what allows you to connect with people on a personal level. Making them feel understood and valued.
The main place I recommend people to get started with is to match someone’s energy/emotions with the PASE model.

These are the 4 main energies within people:

Practical (P): These individuals are logical, down-to-earth, and calculated. They’ll respond positively to rational arguments and data-driven points.

Action-based (A): This type is characterized by being aggressive and fast. They love quick results and dynamic approaches.

Social (S): These are the "social butterflies." They socialize without a specific reason. You can engage them with topics that involve social interaction or that appeal to their sense of community and relationship building.

Emotional (E): This group is sensitive and likely to be interested in emotional matters or stories. Focus on connecting with them at an emotional level. Talk about feelings. See the world through those lenses.

We all have the 4 energies within us. But some are stronger than others.

You have to modulate your type. Based with who you’re interacting with bring out that part of you that will match theirs.

Become a social chameleon.
This is not being disingenuous. You’re not changing who you are.

You’re just magnifying a part of you to easily connect with someone.

I genuinely believe some of these skills are innate.

I’ve been told many times by psychologists, therapists, and even psychics, astrologers, and numerologists that I have an innate talent at reading people.

But my innate talents would be nowhere if I hadn’t learned all these things about psychology. I've practiced them for +10 years.
The classic book “How to win friends and influence people” is still the best book on networking to this day.

And it excellently conveys the importance and the big role empathy plays in all this.
To find high quality people put yourself in situations where high quality people hang out.

This can be paid masterminds, events, gatherings…

Traveling helps a lot.

Say yes to every invite and opportunity.
And one single mastermind can change it all.

You never know who you might meet.

In 2018 I went to an eCommerce mastermind in Singapore by Steve Tan and Evan Tan. There I met Luke Belmar. We really got along and he shared with me insider information he had on Facebook ads.

That scaled our business 5x in revenue within a couple weeks.
From that same mastermind I met a guy who I ended up meeting years later when I was living in Bali.

That had a huge butterfly effect that resulted in multiple business opportunities and new connections.
There are other important topics about social dynamics, dating and networking you'll have to learn such as:

-Body language
-Communication skills
-Story telling
-Building and interesting persona
-Developing character
-Appearances and first impressions
-Handling a group
-Mastering 1-on-1
-Figuring out what you're looking for
-Female/Male psychology
-Evolutionary psychology
-Your type
-Transform new friendships into life-long ones
-Making connections online
-Online communication
-And so much more...
Finding the answer to many of these can take years.

And it's tiresome by trail and error.

Not to mention it can lose you many opportunities.

I can't cover it all here or this page would turn into a whole book.
But I can help you 1-on-1
I can help you master social dynamics.

-Transform you into an X-Ray machine of personality reading

-Analyze your existing social circle

-Help you with any dating/relationship scenario (whether to start dating, break up, or resolve any conflict)

-Guide you on how to acquire valuable connections that will benefit you

-And much more

We can solve any problem.

Optimize every area of your social life.

If necessary I'll even connect you with people from my private network who can help you.

And we'll get you light-years ahead of where you're at now.
Let's not waste any more time and get into action.

I don't want you to remain stuck where you're at now.
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✅ Follow-up 60-Minute call after one month

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (Health, Wealth, and happiness)

❕ This plan requires booking a 60-Minute Call first to see if we're a good fit.

If we're a good fit and decide to work together, I'll discount the $188 from the $19,970. So the call is for free.

For payment only bank transfers or crypto. No debit/credit cards.
Click To Book Call Now
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to prepare something for the call?
Pre-submit your questions during booking so we can make the most out of our time and fire right away.
How will we be communicating during the online mentorship?
First, we'll do an introductory call to set the stage, goals, and a plan. Then, day-to-day through voice messages and/or texting. We can do calls here and there if required.
How long does it take you to reply?
I reply fast. That's why you're paying me. Just be mindful of time-zone differences. I gotta sleep too and attend to personal matters from time to time.
Is the mentorship a 3-month minimum?
No. We can do one month or as many as you want. The longest time I mentored someone was 22 months. Cancel anytime.
Are the living expenses included in the $19,970/month Option?
Not if you're living in a major city with high rent prices like San Francisco or New York. Because I'd just piss away the 20k. If you live in an average city/town, Southeast Asia, or similar, it's included. Message me or book a call and we'll discuss it.
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