For FREE… I’ll teach you the simple principles to earn between $10,000 to $100,000 per month with any online business
(or more if you're bright)
I’ve had a few online businesses cross the $100k/month mark since I started in 2018.
Shopify screenshot 131k/month
Shopify screenshot 131k/month
Everyone I've mentored throughout the years has also reached at least +$1000/day profit.
And if you engrave the concepts you’ll learn on this page in your brain you’ll get there too:

- Without complicated systems or methods

- Without previous business experience

- Without a big initial investment

- Even if you have fear of failure (or failed before)

- Even if you feel lost or don't know what to do

- And it's perfect for those of you who lack motivation

Maybe it sounds hard to believe. But the principles are simple.

Online gurus want to sell you their courses. So they make online business seem overly-complex on purpose.

I know from first hand because I’ve spent +$50,000 on courses, masterminds, and 1-on-1 mentorships.

I’ve met plenty of online gurus.
And they aren’t that different from you or me.
I don’t need to convince you of the benefits of earning +$10,000 to $100,000/month:

-Peace of mind
-Location freedom
-Spend time with whoever you want
-Financial security
-Taking care of loved ones
-And much more. Basically the life of your dreams
And right now I’m giving you the “secrets” for free.
But why?

Because I’m doing an experiment. I want to see what happens if I open up completely and give an insane amount of value for free.

I'll shut down this page if I don’t like the results.
So read this while it’s still up.
The only downside is because it’s free… 90% of you who land on this website won’t take it seriously and skip it.

In fact I’m certain 90% of visitors have already left and you’re among the 10% who are still reading.

So do yourself a favor and just imagine that you paid $1997 for this “Ultimate Online Business Mastery Course” on my website so you take this seriously.

Because paying is what gets you to pay attention.

And this is better than 99% of courses out there.

There are only 3 pillars to making money online:

1: Product & Skill

2: Sales & Marketing

3: Systems & Automation
1: Product & Skill
This the thing you’re actually selling. Your deliverables.

I know people who complain they are broke. Yet they have nothing to sell.

Everyone who makes money online has something to sell. If you don’t have something to sell, you can’t get paid.

And what you choose to sell is the most important decision you’ll make.
80% of young entrepreneurs fail to realize that our offer is what has the most leverage. It’s the biggest revenue multiplier.

One common pattern among new entrepreneurs is:

1. They build a decent product.

2. They market it and start to make money.

3. They build systems to automate tasks.

4. And now they want to make more money. So they go back to marketing to increase sales.

What they don’t know is that a better product is what will multiply their revenue 10x, 100x, 1000x…

The secret ain’t in the marketing.
Make an excellent product and you won’t be able to prevent people from throwing you money.

If you have a product that has a 0.01% chance of curing cancer with many negative side effects... you’ll need a lot of marketing.

If you have a cure for cancer with a 75% success rate and zero side effects... in 24 hours you’ll have a million people ringing on your doorbell wiring you billions of dollars.
And that’s what a business is. A vehicle to deliver value.

And value is something that people (or other businesses) want or need.

TLDR: You’ve got to solve people’s problems. The better you do it, the more you earn.

As simple as it might sound, few people actually understand this down to its core and essence.
Wanna be entrepreneurs are so focused on collecting money that they forget why someone would want to give them money in the first place.

Most people who I see wonder “Why aren’t people buying my offer?” is because they don’t understand fair value-exchange. Basically they are selling crap.

Your ultimate job is to understand what some group of people desires with ALL their heart. Their biggest dream.

And then deliver that dream to them. Make it come true. And if possible exceed their expectations.
And the beauty is if you’re the best at what you do, it removes competition. Marketing will happen naturally. As a by-product of your mastery.

If you’re better and different than anyone else you won’t have to compete.

There are many markets, niches, and subniches you can dive into. And many different business models in which you can operate.

A simple way to discover how you can provide value and build a business is to analyze your own life:

-What problems have you solved in your life that other people still need help with right now?

-What do people usually ask you help for that you could turn into a business?

-What existing problem do you have in your life that once you fix it you can help others do the same?

Pondering these will help you see your strengths, skills, and experience. It’s important you leverage those.

You'll stand out above potential competitors and gain a natural unfair advantage.
For an easy start, here are 4 main consumer markets:

· Health

· Wealth

· Relationships

· Happiness/Spirituality

Which if you think about it, they represent the 4 pillars of everyone’s lives.

You have to find a subniche in one of them where you’ll build your product/offer.

You know you have a good subniche when you can answer YES to these 4 questions:

1. Are the customers you’ll be serving in real need of what you offer?

2. Do they have purchasing power?

3. Are they easy to target?

4. Is it a growing market?
Your final product/offer can manifest in many different forms and business models.

What’s the difference between offer and product?

A product is the thing itself you’re selling. Might be physical, digital, service…

The offer is the whole package. It includes the product, the price, form of delivery, when, for how long, etc… Every single detail of the full transaction between business and customer.

What’s important is that you do not overthink.

You need to act.
When I started making good money online, a friend of mine got inspired and wanted to give it a go himself.

Every week he would come to me with a new business idea and ask me “Do you think this could work?”

My answer was almost always “Yes.”

But one day I got tired and I told him:

“Everything works, man! Having a yoga newsletter works.

Selling supplements on Amazon FBA works.

Affiliate Marketing for weight loss works.

A personal brand about dating works.

Opening a small cafeteria down that street also works.

What’s going to determine if something works or not ain’t the thing itself, but you.”
Obviously some ideas have more potential than others.

But movement will lead you to the right answers. Every single time.

Momentum beats mastery at the beginning. Forget about perfectionism and focus on volume.

It is better to walk blind, than to stand still with clear sight.
2: Sales & Marketing
For centuries philosophers have wondered:

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

I have the real and final answer: Who cares?
If your offer is good but no one is around to hear it, no one will care what it does.

To get people to hear your tree (offer/product) you need traffic.

Go with paid traffic if you’ve got the money so you start selling ASAP and test ideas quick.

If you don’t, or your business is about long-term brand-building, go organic.

At later stages of your business you want to do both. For now start with only one.
Regardless of what you choose you need to understand a few principles about copywriting, marketing, and persuasion:

Your offer/pitch/ad is a promise.

A promise that you have something valuable that can help them.

If you convince someone that the promise is true, they will buy. You won’t have to sell them anything. It will be impossible to prevent them from buying.
And what can you use as a hook for your ads/content?

Your promise.

A good promise has 3 elements:

-A result

-A mechanism to achieve that result

-A timeframe for achieving it

Classic clickbait examples:

-$3,000/day with simple Trading Exploit on Binance

-Loose 30 Pounds in 30 Days With This Odd Ancient Indonesian Dessert

-3 Uncommon Personality Traits That Hook Supermodels Within 5 Minutes

The more specific a promise is, the more likely they are to believe it.

Easier to image = Easier to believe.
There are only 3 ways to lose a sale:

1. Promise something they don’t want

2. Fail to convince them that promise is true

3. Ask for more than they are able to give

When we make a promise, the question is always:

"What does our audience want?"

When people buy things it’s one or more of these 4 core needs:

· Safety
(Can be prevention and/or removal of pain)

· Sex

· Status

· Serenity
(Meaning, happiness, peace of mind, being truly loved,
who we are, purpose, there’s more than just us…)

Safety and Serenity more important to women
Sex and Status to men.
To convince people you'll have to show proof.

But proof is not fact. And something being a fact doesn’t necessarily make it a proof.

A proof is a reason your customer can accept that your promise is true.

A proof is a reason your customer is willing to accept that the thing they want to believe is true.

There are 4 forms of proof people will accept:

· Demonstration: They see it working
(Bulletproof window)

· Confirmation: Tying your promise to what they already believe

· Vindication: Believing your promise removes responsibility for their failures

· Proclamation: An authority tells them it's true
(World Health Organization)
Only 3 personas can sell you stuff:

· The Expert → Someone who knows deeply about the subject matter. Tells us exactly what needs to happen to get the result.

· The Friend → Someone we know and trust that invites us to go with him.

· The Convert → Someone who’s had an amazing experience that’s changed their life and now they’re sharing it.
When we sell we have to be specific. Abstraction is bad. Don’t make audience experience mental effort.

But don’t be so specific that it overloads their brain having so many pieces of the story working together.

Less than half of US adults can read a book above eight grade level. Use simple words.

Never publish something with an Flesch Kincaid Score above 7.5. This page you’re reading right now is grade 4.

Use this to measure:

People believe what they can understand.

-We sound smart when we use small words.

-We sound smart when we make sense.

-We sound smart when we turn the complicated into simple

Our job is to make a big scary world, simple.
And we do that by presenting it in a very simple way.
Last two things:

1. If we’re exposed to an idea 6 different times it’s very difficult to dismiss it as untrue. That's how propaganda works. (or Cocacola)

2. Give reasons to do it right now (scarcity, urgency, a reason why)

If you understand down to their core all the things I’ve laid out on this Sales & Marketing section you’ll be ahead of 90% of everybody else.

Most people have loose ideas about these topics and are just blindly mimicking what other successful businesses do without understanding WHY they work.

But remember what I said on the first pillar:

Do not get trapped into only improving your sales and marketing.

Yes, this is what brings money in.

But the big revenue multiplier is your product and skill.
3: Systems & Automation
People make a bigger deal about systems & automation than what it actually is.

Especially now with AI.

They wanna sell you on a lot of stuff and provoke FOMO.

When I talk about systems & automation I don’t necessarily mean hiring. Hiring is a whole different category.

Getting VAs or contractors still falls into systems and automation. That ain’t truly hiring.

Setting up systems and automation means 2 things:

1. That you do not spend/waste time doing something mechanical each day.

2. That everything in your business has a process to get it done.

The difference between professionals and amateurs ain’t results. The difference is in processes.

Those lead to consistency.

And consistency leads to more wins.
Everyone can launch a FB ads campaign and get a winner.

Few can do it on a recurrent basis.

That’s what you need systems for. To recurrently launch new and better FB ads campaigns. Or contact leads. Or ship your orders. Etc.

You need structure in every part of your business. It ain’t a good idea to wing it every day and see what happens. Don’t always be improvising.

It’s okay to improvise on creative tasks. But you should put that creative space/time within a system.
If you can afford it outsource any mechanical/repetitive task that takes you longer than 30 minutes every day and is low-leverage. (Whether it’s with software or VAs.)

That could be customer support, product shipping logistics, accounting…

But it’s imperative that at the beginning you do it yourself to understand all the ins and outs. So when you outsource it you know what the standard of quality needs to be, how long it should take, and how to deal with any issue that might arise.

Look at your business as if it was an engine and make sure all the parts are well oiled and in proper order.

Then keep improving parts of the engine. Turn your Fiat Engine to a Mercedes engine.
Understand and remember that everything in business can be improved.

And every problem has a solution.

That’s the game.

People learning to code discover early that any problem they face has been faced by someone else before. And that with a quick Google search they can find the answer.

It’s the same with using systems and automation for your business. There’s always some new platform, app, browser extension… that can systematize and automate some part of your business.

Quality concise knowledge like the one I gave you on marketing/copywriting ain’t that easy to find online. But new tools to systematize and automate your business just require a few Google searches.

It’s all about freeing up your time so you can focus on improving your product and providing more value. Not waste time on delivery.

And do it for the customers too.
Make it easier, simpler, and faster for them.
Respect their time.
Remember that systematizing something doesn’t mean is set in stone. You can always improve more.

From time to time you should go back to your systems and level them up.
There are other important topics about business you'll have to learn along the way such as:

-Product research
-Testing product market fit
-The actual skills of copywriting, sales, & marketing
-Funnel optimization
-Maximizing AOV and customer LTV
-VSL Creation
-Viral content creation
-Social media growth
-Email marketing
-Facebook Ads
-Google Ads
-TikTok Ads
-Twitter/X Ads
-Building affiliate systems
-Team management
-And much more
Finding the answer to many of these can take years.

And it's tiresome by trail and error.

Not to mention it can lose you thousands of dollars in aimless testing.

I can't cover it all here or this page would turn into a whole book.
But I can help you 1-on-1
I can help you start, scale, and optimize your business.

-Improve your deliverables to multiply revenue exponentially

-Optimize your funnel to increase AOV & LTV (My forte)

-Maximize marketing results (whether organic or paid)

-Create a solid system and business structure to free up your time to focus on what really matters

-And much more

We can solve any problem.

Optimize every element.

If necessary I'll even connect you with people in my private network who can help you.

And we'll get you light-years ahead of where you're at now.
Let's not waste any more time and get into action.

I don't want you to remain stuck where you're at now.
60-Minute Call Consultation
✅ Tailored Solutions to All Your Business Questions

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Email follow up after the call with bulletpoints and resources
(if applicable)

Click To Book Call Now
Online 1-on-1 Mentorship
✅ Tailored Solutions to All Your Business Questions

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Includes 60-Minute introductory call

✅ 24/7 direct phone access for consultations

✅ Better results due to daily follow-ups

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (Health, relationships, and happiness)
Click To Get Mentorship Now
Fly me to your location
✅ Tailored Solutions to All Your Business Questions

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ I'll fly to any location

✅ Access face-to-face with me for at least 4 hours per day

✅ We set goals and a plan for the month

✅ Tailored systems and schedules based on your needs and availability

✅ Follow-up 60-Minute call after one month

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (Health, relationships, and happiness)

❕ This plan requires booking a 60-Minute Call first to see if we're a good fit.

If we're a good fit and decide to work together, I'll discount the $188 from the $19,970. So the call is for free.

For payment only bank transfers or crypto. No debit/credit cards.
Click To Book Call Now
60-Minute Call Consultation
✅ Tailored Solutions to All Your Business Questions

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Email follow up after the call with bulletpoints and resources
(if applicable)

Click To Book Call Now
Online 1-on-1 Mentorship
✅ Tailored Solutions to All Your Business Questions

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ Includes 60-Minute introductory call

✅ 24/7 direct phone access for consultations

✅ Better results due to daily follow-ups

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (Health, relationships, and happiness)
Click To Get Mentorship Call Now
Fly me to your location
✅ Tailored Solutions to All Your Business Questions

✅ Completely uncensored and unfiltered

✅ I'll fly to any location

✅ Access face-to-face with me for at least 4 hours per day

✅ We set goals and a plan for the month

✅ Tailored systems and schedules based on your needs and availability

✅ Follow-up 60-Minute call after one month

✅ Access to my other 3 mentorship topics (Health, relationships, and happiness)

❕ This plan requires booking a 60-Minute Call first to see if we're a good fit.

If we're a good fit and decide to work together, I'll discount the $188 from the $19,970. So the call is for free.

For payment only bank transfers or crypto. No debit/credit cards.
Click To Book Call Now
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to prepare something for the call?
Pre-submit your questions during booking so we can make the most out of our time and fire right away.
How will we be communicating during the online mentorship?
First, we'll do an introductory call to set the stage, goals, and a plan. Then, day-to-day through voice messages and/or texting. We can do calls here and there if required.
How long does it take you to reply?
I reply fast. That's why you're paying me. Just be mindful of time-zone differences. I gotta sleep too and attend to personal matters from time to time.
Is the mentorship a 3-month minimum?
No. We can do one month or as many as you want. The longest time I mentored someone was 22 months. Cancel anytime.
Are the living expenses included in the $19,970/month Option?
Not if you're living in a major city with high rent prices like San Francisco or New York. Because I'd just piss away the 20k. If you live in an average city/town, Southeast Asia, or similar, it's included. Message me or book a call and we'll discuss it.
If you found this information valuable follow me on:
My Youtube Channel
My Twitter/X account